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Would you like us to notify someone?
{[{ errorMessage }]}
Thank you for your {[{ form.chargeType === 'recurring' ? ' monthly ' : '' }]} gift of ${[{ donationAmount() / 100 }]}!
We’ve sent an email confirmation of your donation to
{[{ form.donorEmail }]}.
Each month you’ll receive an email after your donation of ${[{ donationAmount() / 100 }]} is processed. You can cancel your recurring donation from that receipt.
We’ll also send a letter to notify {[{ form.notifyName }]} of your donation, at the following address:
We’ll also send an email to notify {[{ form.notifyName }]} of your donation, at {[{ form.notifyEmail }]}.
{[{ form.notifyAddress1 }]}
{[{ form.notifyAddress2 }]}
{[{ form.notifyCity }]}, {[{ form.notifyState }]} {[{ form.notifyZip }]}
If you have any questions about your donation, please email Mary Kaminsky at [email protected].
Southern Tier AIDS Program is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation, which is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.